Sunday, January 24, 2010

words I've drunk

so with birthday wishes

come scathing accusations

from the hand

of a precious little eleven year old.

Unbeknowingst to her, as she can help it not,

it is painful to read

the cute large lettered handwriting

that scuplts a message

as if molded

by the hands

of a mother.

A mother that has

tried to pull my strings

to guide me in a path she deems


A mother's task is no picnic.

It's more like hell on earth i'm sure.

So much responsibility brought upon herself

to make my life a good one...

but this is unacceptable.



passive aggressively

a slap in the face.

dwell i must not

and dwell i won't

but this cant go unoticed

for damage is done.

Monday, January 11, 2010


As my laptop decided
to end its short life
last night...

for the second time in
a couple months (little dramatic piece of machinery...i know),
i looked at the blank screen
and pondered.
Well err, fumed a bit and then sat down and pondered.

There needs to be a disconnect.
a stepping away from such untamed
reliance on these things.
These file storage facilities that shrink in size
by the nanosecond.
Spinning turbines of speed to
quench our undying thirst for
shite information...and ultimately..stupid gossip!

We need to strike a chord in something tangible
and organic.
Something that does not exist soley in the
cloud of the information highway
forever crippled and subject to

Bah! I hate computers AND technology most of the time.

Friday, January 8, 2010

the beginning again

back in the swing
the bump and stomp.

the hammering down
of thoughts above

in the bowl of noodles
firing light down the pipes.

justifying nothing
holding no grudge

appreciating that
IS is not bad.